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Code of ethics

21 January 2021
As part of a corporate social responsibility policy, Guarniflon® S.p.A. has undertaken to raise the standards related to social development, environmental protection and respect for fundamental rights, adopting an open governance system, capable of reconciling the interests of various stakeholders in the context of a comprehensive approach to quality and sustainable development.
Guarniflon® S.p.A. is aware that the company’s actions cannot be limited to the production of goods and services but must extend to include the total satisfaction of the needs of all stakeholders.
Feeling socially responsible, Guarniflon® S.p.A. is committed to promoting a healthy, cooperative and pleasant work environment through the promotion of a culture of continuous improvement that aims at the well-being and intellectual growth of employees.
Guarniflon® S.p.A. is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, non-discriminatory work environment and promoting the individual and employees’ skills.
Guarniflon® S.p.A.’s responsibility structure and all its initiatives are committed to creating a positive and constructive environment.In its social responsibility policy Guarniflon® S.p.A. also undertakes to:
  • Respect the current national law, international conventions and recommendations, including the resolutions of international organizations UN (United Nation Organization) and ILO (International Labour Organization).
  • Reject any kind of practice that violates human and workers' rights, in all its kinds and forms.
  • Promote and protect freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and the protection of health and safety.
  • Not employ child labour (with the exception of any school internships), keep the necessary documentation as verifiable proof of the workers' age.
  • Not resort to, and not support, the use of forced labour or labour taxation practices beyond the legal agreements.
  • Not engage in and remove any discriminatory practices and unequal treatment when hiring, in wages, access to training, career promotion, termination or retirement based on race, national, territorial or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, trade union membership, political views and any other conditions that may give rise to discrimination.
  • Not allow behaviour, including gestures, language or physical contact, that is sexually coercive, threatening, offensive or aimed at exploitation.
  • Not support and prohibit in any way, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse.
  • Guarantee a regular salary in compliance with the provisions of the National Collective Labour Agreement, capable of ensuring the worker a dignified life.
  • Promote improvements to the conditions of safety and physical and mental well-being of its collaborators, both with preventive and corrective actions.
  • Provide regular training on social responsibility and safety for staff, planning it at regular intervals and with each new recruit.
  • Provide employees with clean, safe and healthy workplaces, minimizing, as far as possible, the causes of danger attributable to the workplace.
  • Respect the right of all staff to form and join trade unions of their choice and bargain collectively, ensuring that staff representatives are not subject to any discrimination and that they can communicate with their members in the workplace, provided for by the National Collective Labour Agreement and by other agreements in place.
  • Commit to doing business that respects the environment and air pollution, continually improving its ecological practices and promoting all efforts towards efficiency, equity and the optimal use of available water resources.
  • Communicate, audit and involve all suppliers of goods, activities and services and subcontractors in their commitment to social responsibility.
  • Periodically monitor suppliers and subcontractors internally and externally for continuous improvement of the general conditions of management and enhancement of human capital.
  • Periodically review and integrate this “social responsibility policy”, to conform it to the new needs and requirements expressed by the parties.
  • Implement a policy of immediate reporting to those in charge (Judicial Authority, Court of Auditors, National Anti-Corruption Authority, Anti-Corruption Officer within their organization/company) of dangers in the workplace, internal fraud, damaging or perpetrated by the organization, environmental damage, false corporate communications, medical negligence, illegal financial transactions, health threats, cases of corruption or extortion and many others ("whistleblowing")
Guarniflon® S.p.A. identifies and pays particular attention to those sensitive areas of the company that may be involved (considering their potential leverage effect) in illegal activities of theft, fraud, corruption, gifts and conflicts of interest.
In any case, Guarniflon® S.p.A. guarantees that all its work activities reflect values of honesty, loyalty, reliability, fairness, responsibility, a sense of legality and solidarity towards others.
All collaborators must refrain from any action or relationship that may conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of our company or customers. No employee may use his or her position for personal profit or to illegally obtain benefits for the company.
Any action, at all levels, which involves theft, fraud, misappropriation of any property, corruption, extortion, money laundering is prohibited.
Any gifts to third parties (e.g. customers, suppliers) on the occasion of Christmas holidays or other, must only be authorized by the Company Management.

Quality General Management
